Data Mining


Want to know what the future holds for your organisation? Find new lucrative revenue streams? Get insights into impending outcomes? Octasis data mining solution can help your answers all these questions and much more:

Our Solution

  • Simplify data preparation. Interact with your data quickly and intuitively using dynamic charts and graphs to understand key relationships.
  • Quickly and easily create better models. Take the guesswork out of building models that are both stable and accurate using proven techniques and a drag-and-drop interface that’s both easy-to-use and powerful.
  • Put your best models into service. Fast. Spend less time and effort scoring new data using automated, interactive processes that work in both batch and real-time environments.

Solution description

Automated identification and labeling of business critical and sensitive data to enable secure and compliant cloud collaboration, access control, rights management, and encryption across a hybrid environment.

Will dramatically shorten model development time for your data miners and statisticians. An interactive, self-documenting process flow diagram environment efficiently maps the entire data mining process to produce the best results. And it has more predictive modeling techniques than any other commercial data mining package. Why not use the best?
Empower business users and subject-matter experts in your organisation with limited statistical skills can generate their own models using our Rapid Predictive Modeler. An easy-to-use GUI steps to take them through a workflow of data mining tasks. Analytics results are displayed in easy-to-understand charts that provide the insights needed for better decision making.
Makes model deployment and scoring are easy and seamless by automatic code scoring generation for all stages of model development, which eliminates potentially costly errors stemming from manually rewriting and converting code. You can embed the scoring code in your business processes. Or deploy it in real-time or batch environments within the solution, on the web and directly into relational databases. This saves time and produces more accurate results.

Our data mining solution will improve prediction accuracy so the results you share are reliable. Helps create better-performing models using innovative algorithms and industry-specific methods. Verify results with visual assessment and validation metrics. Easily compare predictions and assessment statistics from models built with different approaches by displaying them side by side. The resulting diagrams also serve as self-documenting templates that you can update or apply to new problems without starting over.

Technology description

Easy-to-use GUI & batch processing with Open-source integration with R programming to enable perform data transformation and exploration, and train and score supervised and unsupervised models in R.

Cloud deployment option reap the benefits of our most advanced software and scalable architecture, managed and supported by our solutions experts in a secure, cloud-based environment.